How Coaches Can Help Prevent Eating Disorders in Athletes
For a young athlete, one of the most important figures in their lives is their coach. Coaches have the ability to inspire athletes to perform on the field, and to encourage them to live up to their potential off the field. But with that influence comes responsibility. Coaches are often in the best position to notice when an athlete is showing signs of disordered eating, such as anorexia, bulimia or binge eating, said Jennifer Lentzke, MS, RD, CEDRD, CSSD, a registered dietitian with specialized training in eating disorders and sports nutrition. Lentzke is lead dietitian at Rosewood Centers for Eating Disorders. Here are some of the signs of eating disorders for coaches to look out for and advice on what to do to help. Q. What are the most overlooked warning sign of an eating disorder in an athlete? Abnormal eating patterns can be easily overlooked within the culture of sports. Athletes typically are a unique subset of the population. Along with that can come s...